Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Just Call Me Slim

I’ve heard the odds are slim, chances are slim, slim pickings, and yo slim so many times. However, don’t ever minimize the health odds or chances when slim comes into play. A month ago I found out my uterine fibroid tumors have returned. While they are benign, they will not be tested until I have them removed. The procedure I decide to have this second time around is yet to be determined. I will visit with a new doctor who will be joining my dream team, tomorrow. All I know is that I don’t want to be in this same spot, another six years down the road.

Six years ago I had a procedure called a myomectomy. A myomectomy is a surgical procedure that consists of the removal of uterine fibroid tumors, which are noncancerous growths that in my case were large and plentiful. My uterus had grown to be the size of a five month pregnant woman. It was ridiculous! I had 12 tumors removed, and now I find my uterus growing yet again, with several tumors. It’s just a headache. I mean, nobody has time for foreign bodies invading their private places. Seriously, I gotta figure out next steps and keep things movin’. The myomectomy is an amazing procedure since it leaves your uterus intact, so that you can still bear children. It’s got its complications, but if you are in good hands, you’ll be good to go. However, the chances or odds of reoccurring tumors could be slim or definitive. For me – it’s the return of “fake baby bump” or “sexy kangaroo pouch.”

I’ll elaborate more on the risks, experiences, etcetera in due time. In the meantime, I’m contemplating the best next steps for me, because I want the odds of these tumors returning to be SLIM to none!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Hell in a Pair of Ballet Flats...

Last week was crappy. It was a horrible thyroid health week for me. I'm feeling lean, thanks to fruits and veggies...but utterly disgusted with myself and my memory. I thought this week would be better, but there's this issue with my memory...I've lost it, and it has cost me 200$ in fines from Illinois tolls and two weddings on Saturday. I remember when notes as reminders worked well for me, but if you aren't a permanent fixture in my life, or a note on a bathroom mirror of my home, I will forget you too.

I can't align my thyroid stars to save my life. Last week, I seriously had one emotional outburst, anxiety attack, and short-tempered flair up after another. It was like the smallest things kept compiling, on top of me trying to smile thru it all, attend each shower, party, and meeting on my calendar. I was fatigued, I had an accident with a razor, and that's when I had to get a grip and a bandage, which unfortunately I had an allergic reaction to and now my ankle is calming down and the welts have disappeared.

I took a nap. I rested, and I thought about my hypothyroidism. I really try so hard to forget about it at times, but I can't, for obvious reasons. But, I do bear in mind that I have to sometime make those folks in my life aware of it. I may look like a million bucks some days, at the party or in the office, but when I speak, and my words are jumbled, or when I have forgotten your names, or if I'm all dolled up and in bed - I've not skipped your party, I still care, I'm just spent, and sick and tired of being sick and tired. I have fatigue and need a time out. My thyroid love get it, they get me. Thank you. Now where did I park my car...

Friday, July 27, 2012


TGIF, I can't wait for Monday! Hahaha. Has anyone ever said that to you? If not, consider this a first. Be safe this weekend, have fun, and for my friends in the Quad-Cities - Bix it up! Stay informed, follow @qctimes on Twitter.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

What Does Thyroid Change Mean to YOU?

ThyroidChange, The United Voice of Thyroid Patients Worldwide, wants to hear your voices. What does that mean exactly? This initiative wants to hear your voice, in your words, what thyroid changes means to you.  Voices of ThyroidChange would love your submissions (200 words or less) about your vision of the future for thyroid diagnoses, treatment, and management.  What does “ThyroidChange” mean to you? Email with the subject line: “VOICES.” Let your voices be heard! ThyroidChange is a web-based initiative, unifies the voice of the thyroid community (patients, organizations, groups, blogs, websites and physicians) to promote change and further research in the diagnoses and care of thyroid disease.

Monday, July 23, 2012


ThyroidChange has launched a new web-intuitive site. It was created by and is maintained by thyroid patients advocating for better treatment. I am encouraging YOU to become a self-advocate while uniting and supporting other thyroid patients in your thyroid health journey. Check it out at Thank you Michelle and thank you to everyone involved in creating a place for thyroid patients to inspire change. Hope this finds you feeling and living well! Follow me to ThyroidChange.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Love Thy Thyroid, Read The Petition & Sign It

I have hypothyroidism, and in a nutshell, I went to the doctor for panic attacks and anxiety. I was choking on my food, suffering from insomnia, and packing on some pounds. I was diagnosed with non-toxic multi-nodular goiter. I think that's the full diagnosis.  Fast forward...I had surgery to have my gland removed, sub-total thyroidectomy. And I have been reading books, blogs, visiting with those I can relate to and wondering in the back of my mind if I can publish the book I am working on as a resource guide for others, purely from my perspective and experiences, and how many people are really out there that truly relate to me, and wonder if they are getting the treatment they need.  I am not alone and neither are you! The Thyroid Petition, written by Michelle Teresa Bickford, and edited by Denise Rodriguez, acknowledges that "Thyroid patients are increasingly aware that there is a deficiency in thyroid knowledge among endocrinologists. As specialists of the endocrine system, the title, endocrinologist, expresses expertise and richness in experience." However, we don't always receive or easily find endocrinologists that exhibit that expertise or offer various treatment options. It is beyond frustrating, people! I was prescribed antidepressants prior to my diagnosis. It took a while for me to get my diagnosis - hypothyroidism. I am just was a road I would rather you not have to travel if you can get the right diagnosis to start with in your healthcare journey. I encourage you to read the petition, share it with your friends and help increase awareness and incite change. Share dialogue with others via e-mail, Twitter, and post this petition to your support groups and Facebook profile. "Like" the page at  The petition calls for major actions. Read them!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Let's Share Dialogue: Insomnia no more!

Let's Share Dialogue: Insomnia no more!: Hello friends! I apologize for my hiatus, times have been busy, insightful, sad yet robust. I have been battling a ridiculously high TSH lev...