Today is a new day. It is a good day. You may be well into your day, if you’re a morning person, or perhaps sitting at the airport like I am (ORD), awaiting a flight, or if you are in a different part of the world from me. Regardless, my point being, you can chose not only your adventure, but your attitude. You can own, your feelings. You can chose to do you and feel better about the choices you make in your life, one day at a time.
One of the largest lessons I’ve learned with managing my hypothyroidism, in addition to living my life, after my encounters with multiple benign tumors over the years, is that I definitely have to take advantage of the opportunity to chose my attitude daily. What this means for me, is that I chose to be a positive person, energy, spirit and force, daily. My choice takes a hell of a lot of work. I just make this shit look easy!
Today, in my daily practice of positive thoughts and actions (and caffeine consumption), I wish that for every negative comment someone thinks or says about another, two positive comments and actions cancel them out. I wish that people pass less judgment on others, if any. I hope that the heatwave subsides so those that are burning up can cool off, and those being hit by tropical storms weather them well. May my thyroid healthy friends and family members take some time this summer to revisit their daily and weekly habits, rituals. I recently had to hit the reset button, y’all! I feel great!!
I leave you with this question: What do you miss?
Find it, create it, seek it and if heathy and not absolutely gluttonous - treasure it! We went thru a lot last year, and we continue to adapt, adjust, change, evolve and grow.
Be well,
Skin Care